HPE is ISO 9001 accredited and designs its products to internationally recognized standards.
It is able to demonstrate conformance through its internal design and quality control systems, and where necessary, with the aid of specialist consultants and or an independent Authorized Inspection Authority (AIA).
HPE is able to design to the ASME/ANSI standards typically used in mining e.g. ASME B31.3 for Process Piping and ASME B16.34 for Valves.
HPE has relationships with various notified bodies and accredited laboratories and is able to obtain AIA certification of compliance for use of equipment in explosive atmospheres (e.g. Atex) and with other directives.
For European and other global markets, HPE issues CE Certification that demonstrates compliance to the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) DIRECTIVE 2014/68/EU, through application of the harmonized standards such as EN 13480 Metallic Industrial Piping and EN13445 Unfired Pressure vessels.
As a company we support the UN Global Compact principles with regards to sustainability, human rights, labour, the environment and corruption. HPE was incorporated into the fold in June 2018. HPE has also achieved accreditation to the ISO 14001 and 45001 standards.